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Windows 8 VPN Getting Error 942

05 februari, 2013 at 9:49 PM

In Windows 7 you could setup a VPN with next-next-finish with windows 8 i did the same but a got the

Error 942: The connection could not be established because the authentication method used by your connection profile is not permitted for use by an access policy configued on the RAS/VPN server. Specifically, this could be due to configuration differences between the authentication method selected on the RAS/VPN server and the access policy configured for it.

Solution: you have the type of authentication.

  1. Right click on my newly created VPN connection and select “View connection properties
  2. Click on the Security tab.
  3. If you notice, none of the radio buttons under Authentication is checked.  
    That means NO authentication methods are selected by default for my VPN connection.  
    No wonder why it couldn’t connect!  
    What I did was click on “Allow these protocols” and clicked OK.



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