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VSS Try removing them with the backup application which created them.

05 april, 2013 at 2:13 PM

When i try to make a new Schedule for Shadow Copies for previous Version i got a message that there are previous existing ones.

So i try them to delete them with <vssadmin.exe delete shadows /all> command to do so but this time I received the following error;

Error: Snapshots were found, but they were outside your allowed context. Try removing them with the backup application which created them.

In this case, I had to use DiskShadow.exe tool that is part of Windows Server 2008 (R2) and delete all the existing VSS snapshots. and the steps are;

1- Start the VM

2- Logon with a local administrator account

3- Run the following command from an elevated command prompt


DISKSHADOW>Delete Shadows All



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