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How to get More vCentre Task and Events

02 april, 2013 at 2:02 PM

Have you ever been looking into an issue in vCenter to find out what's happened and who changed something.  But the history has just dropped off of the bottom of the Tasks or Events lists?
Well that's happened to me a few times.

I know there is a database retension policy but the default is unlimited, and if my SQL database is not running out of space this option below is only for cleaning up. 

vCenter Server database retention settings


The solution is : Change the settings of your VI Client :-)


  • Open your VMware Infrastructure Client and connect to vCenter or a Host
  • Click Edit In the VMware Infrastructure Client window (Top left of the window)
  • Select Client Settings
  • Once the Client Settings window is open click the Lists tab.


The Setting we are looking at is the Page Size which is highlighted above. The default is set to 100, you can increase this up to 1000. This will now show you up to 1000 Tasks or Events.



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