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How to get rid of disconnected network drives

19 november, 2013 at 11:12 AM


This week is wrote a script that created a mapping to another domein.

I compliled the script to an exe en created a service that started this exe with another username.

  • After I was playing around with that script I notice Disconnected Network Drive (V:)
    When I tried to remove this Disconnected Network Drive (V:) The network connection could not be found.


I tried:

1)  net use /delete *


2)  and script.

@echo off
net use * /delete /y
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe

3)       Mounting a share to this drive.

4)       Remove froom registry

To remove the incorrectly labeled mapped drive, follow these steps:

  • Click Start, point to Run,      type regedit, and then click OK.
  • In Registry Editor, locate the      following registry subkey:


  • Right-click      the mapped drive that you want to remove. For example,
    right-click ##Server_Name#Share_Name,      and then click Delete.


Then my colleague had a brilliant idee:

Use psexec!

The mapping was originally created by the user system, so you have to remove them under the system account.

Psexec uses the system account.


psexec \\remote -u domain\account -p passwd -e cmd.exe

net use /delete *


psexec \\remote -u domain\account -p passwd cmd.exe

net use /delete *









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