ICTwijs Automatisering & Consultancy
Achter 't Holthuis 34, 7391 TN Twello
Telefoon: 06-38812310 E-mail: info@ictwijs.nl
How do I increase the exchange message size limits?
To display current message size limits:
1.Open the Exchange Management Shell
2.Enter the following command:
Get-TransportConfig | Format-List -Property MaxReceiveSize, MaxSendSize
Get-SendConnector | Format-List -Property Identity, MaxMessageSize
Get-ReceiveConnector | Format-List -Property Identity, MaxMessageSize
To increase size limits on your Exchange Server 2013 machine:
1.Open the Exchange Management Shell
2.Enter the following commands:
Set-TransportConfig -MaxReceiveSize 100MB -MaxSendSize 100MB
Get-SendConnector | Set-SendConnector -MaxMessageSize 100MB
Get-ReceiveConnector | Set-ReceiveConnector -MaxMessageSize 100MB
Make sure you also increase the IIS limits to allow accepting payloads of this size:
Increase the maximum accepted content length
You may increase the maximum accepted content length by performing the following:
Sample Web.Config before changes:
Sample Web.Config after changes:
2. Increase the maximum receive message size
If you are running IIS7 and Windows 2008, you may need to increase WCF settings:
Open Windows Explorer
Achter 't Holthuis 34
7391 TN Twello
Tel: 06 - 38812310
E-mail: info@ictwijs.nl
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